Saturday, May 20, 2006

A kick in the ass

So my friend Cliff tells me he stumbled on my blog, which he didn't know I had, and that I sure don't update it much.


I had actually finished 3 little drawings and a new doll . You may notice he is a rough little monkey. This was the very first thing I knitted and I decided to not pull anything out. I just kept knitting until it was done. There are a lot of mistakes. Many rows where I got confused and knitted when I should have purled, etc. I did not have a clue what I was doing, but it was really fun! I am working on a second knitted doll. This one is a bunny and the knitting is way better! I am finished with the knitting but I haven't put it together yet. I am still worrying over the ears. They curl really bad and I am thinking about knitting a second piece for each so they do not curl so much.

That's about it for me and art lately. I have however worked about 6 weeks with 20-30 overtime at my day job (lately more of a day/night/weekend job). That doesn't really leave a lot of time for other stuff. I think that is finally winding down now though.

Coming up next week is an exciting trip to Baltimore for Balticon 40 and the touring company of Wicked at the Fox in Atlanta!!!

We have also recently bought a totally awesome sculpture, The Children's Hour, from Lisa Snellings Clark which you can see on her gallery and we have a commissioned piece in progress.

And just to prove we don't sit around watching reality TV all the time, here are things we have gone out to see since March:

The Art of Wayland Flowers, Poseidon, Kinky Boots, The Notorious Betty Page, They Might Be Giants, Lila Downs, The Georgia Aquarium, Leslie Jordan: Like a dog on Linoleum, The Bodies Exhibit, American Dreamz, Cirque du Soleil: Delirium, The Stinky Cheese Man, Fractals and Art @ the Fayetteville Arts Center