Got 4 new
images up.
There have been several new EverQuest expansions which seem to be pulling me back into it. I've played EQ everyday for a week. Eek! So all that EQ coupled with the fact that the next image in line to be colored includes dozens of little birds has kinda stiffled my output. It took forever to do the feathers on the chickenman image. I'm afraid to start on those birds!
Did I do the home repairs I mentioned? Or work on the doll or puppet or sculpture? One might ask. No I did not! And now I'm going to play EQ.
Tonight is a birthday dinner for a great friend at a guacho sytle restaurant. I should go exercise to build up my appetite for meat, heh.
I did manage to write another
Tiny Story this week and also to update my resume, which might soon be important. I'm not a TOTAL slacker!
Hey! Go buy some